
martes, 1 de octubre de 2013

Primeras noticias del discurso de Netanyahou en la ONU

Dijo Netanyahou  en la Asamblea General de la ONU:

- Ahmadinejaf es un lobo con piel de lobo, Rouhani es un lobo con piel de cordero.
  Los presidentes de  Iran vienen y se van, y todos sirven a un credo despiadado  , un credo que aplica su poder, lo hizo el ayatolah Khomeney y ahora lo hace Khameney.

-Somos los judíos un pueblo muy antiguo , tenemos 4000 años , hemos sobrevivido a la adversidad  y establecido  un Estado en nuestra patria ancestral , y ahora nuestra esperanza de futuro está amenazada por Irán nuclear.
- Si el Estado de Israel debe de hacerle frente solo le hará frente solo.

u: The people of Israel have come home, never to be uprooted again"
History will look back at Netanyahu's tough  speech today at the UN as a critical moment in history.
I tweeted Netayahu's speech -- here were my comments. Follow me on twitter here, 
Netanyahu: Persian King Cyrus "Rebuild the Jewish temple in Jerusalem" is a Persian declaration
Netanyahu stunning indictment of #Rouhani and terrorism Watch live
Natanyahu: Ahmadinejad was a wolf in wolf's clothing, Rouhani is a wolf in sheep's clothing
Natanyahu: Ahmadinejad was a wolf in wolf's clothing, Rouhani is a wolf in sheep's clothing
Netanyahu: "I wish I could believe Rouhani but I dont." "Facts are stubborn things" #UNGA
Netanyahu: If their nukes are for peaceful purposes, why would they build hidden nuclear facilities underground? #UNGA
Netanyahu: If their nukes are for peaceful purposes, why would they build hidden nuclear facilities underground? #UNGA
Bibi: Iran's new strategy: smile more,offer meaningless concessions, insure Iran maintains sufficient nuke material and nuke infrastructure
Netayahu: Nuclear Iran would put the world's oil supply in a chokehold #UNGA
Netanyahu: Have these people (that call Iran's fanaticism ... bluster) - "Have they learned nothing from history?!?" #UNGA
Listening to PM Netanyahu is such a kick in the head.We listen to so many fulla shitniks that clear, cogent thought is a shock to the system
Netanyahu: On Iran's nukes: "Distrust, dismantle and verify" #loveit
Netanyahu: "Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapon" #good
If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone. 
Netanyahu: I will never compromise on the security of my people & my country, the one & only Jewish state. #UNGA
Great Speech! UN applauds - pig flying moment #netanyahu #Israel#AmYisraelChai #UNGA

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