Una soldado del Tsahal , de 20 años,que trabaja en el Galei Tsahal ha sido golpeada en el rostro por el conductor de una motocicleta. Sucedió en el centro de Yafo, la soldado fue trasladada al Hospital Wolfson en Holon.
Está detenido un sospechoso .
Cuando fue asesinado Kennedy los judíos del mundo lamentaron su pérdida . Kennedy se había siempre mostrado como un amigo del pueblo judío.
La noche del 22 de noviembre, el propietario de una sala de noche , Jack Ruby, asistió al oficio funebre en memoria del Presidente , lo hizo en el Templo Shearit Israel de Dallas. Jack Ruby era Judío. Dos días más tarde disparaba , y le daba muerte, a Lee Harvey Oswaldd.
La Commission Warren examinó el origen y medio judío en el que vivía J. Ruby. "Ruby siempre afirmaba que sus convicciones judías motivaban su actuación y comportamiento. La comisión descubrió que tenía una larga historia de réplicas y peleas con los antisemitas, y de combates callejeros con la Liga Germano Americana antes de la 2ª Guerra Mundial. Según Ruby él vió a un Rabino , por la TV, que hizo un gran elogio del Presidente Kennedy . Dijo Ruby que las palabras del Rabino "me produjeron una fuerte emoción ...quedé galvanizado ."
Ruby falleció el año 1967 a consecuencia de un cáncer . Está enterrado junto a sus padres en Chicago, tuvo una ceremonia fúnebre judía.
Holanda: Canal público católico de televisión difunde canción que acusa a judíos de matar a Jesús
Itongadol/AJN.- El canal público de televisión Rooms-Katholiek Kerkgenootschap (RKK) de la Asociación de la Iglesia Católica Romana difundió al final de un programa infantil un videoclip de Pearl Jozefzoon (foto) que acusa a los judíos de conspirar para matar a Jesús. “No lo sigan. Está loco. Quiébrenlo. Rompan su corazón. Mátenlo. Entiérrenlo con críticas. No lo amen“, dice la letra de la canción.
“Vilipendiar el pasado del pueblo judío es vilipendiar a los judíos de hoy, sobre todo cuando el público es joven”, criticó el secretario de la Comunidad Religiosa Israelita Holandesa (NIK, por su sigla en holandés), que representa a las organizaciones judías de ese país, Ruben Vis.
“La Iglesia ha hecho esto por demasiado tiempo, muy bien y con eficacia”, agregó el también vicepresidente del Congreso Judío Europeo.
Tras las quejas, la semana pasada el canal removió el videoclip y se disculpó. CICAD (Coordination Intercommunautaire contre l'Antisémitisme et la Diffamation)
La chaîne de télévision catholique au Pays-Bas diffuse un clip vidéo expliquant que Jésus a été tué par des juifs
El ministro de Exteriores de Egipto, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, ha dicho : "Obama me dijo que es un musulmán , y que apoya el programa musulmán." Hizo tales declaraciones en Nil TV.
Afirmó Aboul Gheit que tal le dijo Obama en reunión tête- à- tête , donde Obama le aseguró que es un musulmán, hijo de un musulmán yerno de un musulmán , y que tiene parientes musulmanes en Kenya. Que le aseguró , además Obama, que simpatiza con el modo de vida diario musulmán. Obama, afirma además, le prometió ocuparse del mundo musulmán y de Israel cuando acabe con los problemas que tiene en USA, como la reforma del sistema de salud.
"Tzedaká y actos de bondad equivalen a todas los mandatos de la Torá" Talmud de Jerusalén, Peá 1:1. TSAHAL ACABA DE CURAR ASU PACIENTE NÚMERO 2.000 EN FILIPINAS
"...tras el paso del tifón Haiyan, Tsahal ha enviado a Filipinas un equipo de 150 socorristas entre ellos hay muchos médicos , unas 100 toneladas de ayuda humanitaria y equipo médico. el Hospital de campaña , desplegado en la ciudad de Borgo, recibió a los primeros pacientes el viernes 15 de Noviembre."
El pasado 18 de Noviembre Mahmoud Abbas repitió una docena de veces -ante François Hollande-que quería paz y buenas relaciones con Israel.
No solo es un facineroso , un saqueador, es un timador, un gran mentiroso que tiene un doble discurso :
Uno, en inglés , destinado a los oyentes europeos especialmente.
Otro, en árabe. Totalmente opuesto al anterior.
El día 10 de Noviembre, el encargado de comunicaciones de la Autoridad Palestina en el Líbano dcclaraba que Israel es : "la entidad racista enemiga de todas las naciones del mundo... responsable en todos los lugares de la inseguridad porque Israel existe con un único fin de crear conflictos, conflictos sectarios y étnicos, en el Medio Oriente", lo cual se lo había enseñado un -afirmó- Yasser Arafat, personaje de referencia.
Les adjunto algunos ejemplos de lo que afirman y dicen los
llamados palestinos:
The following are examples of Palestinian demonization:
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Nov. 10, 2013
PA TV program Palestine This Morninginterviewed Fatah’s Director of Communications in Lebanon Rifat Shanaah about events marking the anniversary of PA leader Yasser Arafat’s death: “[Yasser Arafat]turned to all liberation movements in the world; in South America, in Asia, in Africa, and had a part in all these revolutions. He taught them that the prime enemy is the Zionist movement, the Israeli entity, that wanted to uproot the Palestinian people from its land and put in its place the racist entity, the enemy of all nations of the world. It bears responsibility for insecurity everywhere because Israel exists in order to create conflicts - sectarian and ethnic conflicts in the Middle East.” Click to view video
“The national forces and national action factions condemned yesterday, Monday [Oct. 7, 2013] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s statements about the situation in historical Palestine, made two days ago at the Israel Towards 2020 Conference, as well as his claims and lies regarding the roots of the Palestinian-Arab-Israeli conflict. On this matter, Deputy Secretary of the Fatah Revolutionary Council Fahmi Al-Za’arir responded to the statements, saying that the occupation is the root of the trouble and conflict, and the source of catastrophes and tension in the Middle East, and that its negative influence reaches even the international political system. In addition, he added that the purpose of the organized Jewish emigration to Palestine was to gain control of it, expel its inhabitants and exile them. This is indeed what happened during the Nakba (i.e., “the catastrophe,” Palestinian term for the establishment of the State of Israel). He stressed that the occupation government’s behavior towards the settlers and its support of the settlement movement are an attempt to bring about a recurrence of the events that preceded the Nakba. In addition, he stressed that this [behavior] is pushing the region towards an explosion and does not provide suitable conditions for the peace process, [conditions] that are needed for peace and stability. This completely contradicts the goals for which the international community and the patrons of the process that will bring peace, security and justice to the region are hoping..." From WAFA, official PA news agency
Note: Nakba, “the catastrophe,” is the Palestinian term for the establishment of the State of Israel.
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, May 23, 2013
PA TV program: Circle of Events. Guest: Deputy Secretary General of Fatah's Central Committee, Jibril Rajoub PA TV interviewer: “The statements you made in Beirut on the Al-Mayadeen TV station had a lot of impact, according to them ‘We are Israel’s enemies and if we had a nuke we’d have used it…’ I hope you’ll clarify the picture because Israel condemned the [statements] and at the time the Palestinians did not.” PA official Jibril Rajoub: “Madam, first of all I don’t care what Israel says, I care about what serves the Palestinian people’s interests. The Palestinian people have been living under an occupation, a racist, fascist, vile, inhuman occupation, for 46 years… I, true, the interviewer [from the Al-Mayadeen TV station] asked me and I answered in the same manner and with those words and even now I say to the Israelis, if there won’t be a reexamination of your conduct on your part, a saying in Hebrew states: ‘kill or be killed,’ we won’t be killed, we’re not Jesus, true, we come from Jesus’ apostles but we, our future and our government and our identity are being trampled under the criminal terrorist settler dogs’ feet. I’m certain that if Hitler would come again he would learn from them the art of breaking the will of the people, humiliating the people, [making the] people suffer, destroying the people and massacres... The world today has begun to be convinced that we are a victim and that they are the criminals and hangmen. Under the rays of the sun Israel has been revealed to be a foreign and threatening body that threatens the region’s independence, threatens the world’s peace and threatens the world’s values and interests.”
Note: Click "full article" below to view a longer excerpt of the interview.
In April 2013, hackers launched a series of cyber attacks against Israel. Regular columnist Adel Abd Al-Rahman for the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida on the cyber attacks: "Two days ago [April 6, 2013] the Israeli organized terror state witnessed a new kind of warfare -launched by an ‘anonymous’ group of hackers calling themselves 'OpIsrael' as a sign of support for the Arab Palestinian struggle and its national cause. It succeeded in infiltrating 19,000 Israeli websites, among them the Israeli Ministry of War (i.e., Ministry of Defense, Ed.), Ministry of Education, Intelligence, Securities Authority, the courts, the Tel Aviv police department, the 'Kadima' political party, and the Bank of Jerusalem… Chairman of the Israeli Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, Avigdor Liberman, claimed that the hackers' attack that was intended to sabotage Israeli websites is further evidence of Jew-hatred. But this is not true, since the attack did not harm Jews, but rather Zionists, the enemies of peace and coexistence among nations... Therefore, Liberman and the other murderers and criminals should stop making use of worn-out and tattered cards that are [now] laid bare before the entire world…"
Op-ed by Baha Rahal: Headline: “Oh enemy of the sun, this is Saba’aneh” “Day after day the Israeli occupation proves that it is the number one enemy of humanity in the world, who turns the ideology of occupation, settlement and racist mentality into its doctrine and life’s project, without any moral or humanitarian restraint. This is the reason it is full of fear, racism and dread and refuses to view its true colors, as depicted by the artist’s paint brush or the writer’s pen, who expose its policy in public, tell the absolute truth and [portray] the great suffering experienced by the Palestinian people because of the occupation’s policy, even if we are speaking of a caricature criticizing the tyranny, oppression and organized terror [it performs]. For this reason, artist and painter Muhammad Saba’aneh, possessing the beautiful national and moral voice, was arrested by the occupation’s authorities and army, because he was one of the targets of the occupation’s army that suffered from the paint brush of the artist who painted the concerns of the homeland and citizens and publicly and authentically exposed the occupation’s activities and abominable policy.”
Note: Caricaturist Muhammad Saba’aneh was arrested by Israel following a visit to Jordan, fined 10,000 shekels and sentenced to five months in prison for “contact with hostile elements.”
Opinion piece by Walid Shomaly: "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are a kind of plan formulated by the Jews to infiltrate the world and take it over. While many Jewish leaders claim that they (the Protocols) are... one of the greatest political fabrications of the modern era, others confirm that they are true and that they are the most dangerous plot of global domination that history has ever known... The first protocol calls for the spread of anarchy and wars... The second protocol calls for a takeover of government, education, and the press. The fourth protocol calls for a takeover of trade and the destruction of religion - especially Christianity... While the seventh protocol calls to instigate global wars, the ninth lays out plans to destroy moral values and dispatch agents... Now, after this quick review of a few of these protocols, one wonders if the Jews belong to some other kind of human species, different from other nations. From where does all this evil and destructive energy derive? Do all the other nations deserve all this evil and hostility, just so that Jews may control them? [...] Have most of the things that appear in the Protocols been implemented in the West and in the East? [...] And does the US rule the world today in the name of the new world order for the benefit of the Jews, in accordance with these Protocols? Are we on the brink of the establishment of an evident Jewish world government? Until we have answers to these questions and ponderings - as well as others - we say, 'May Allah help us, we the children of Palestine...'" Click to view bulletin
Note: The article was removed from Ma'an's website the day after PMW exposed it. In its place the site’s administration left a note explaining that “the article has been removed because it contains hate material."
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Feb. 3, 2013
Imam Salah Al-Mitan: "Our enemies say: 'A glass of wine and a pretty woman can harm Muhammad's nation more than a thousand canons. We must strive to destroy the moral values so that we can easily rule the world.' That’s in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” Click to view video Click to view bulletin
Note: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is an Antisemitic forgery describing how Jews allegedly plan to subjugate the world to Jewish rule. It was published in Russia in 1903 and translated into multiple languages. In 1921 The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was exposed as a false document.
Article by Sawsan Najib Abd Al-Halim, published by the independent and European funded Palestinian Ma'an News Agency (MNA): "A brave warrior is proud when he confronts another [warrior] as brave as he... But since Jews are - as our grandparents said of them - sons of death (expression meaning 'a coward,' -Ed.), they are too cowardly to confront an enemy face to face... Jews think that their fortresses will protect them from death, but any breach of these fortresses or protective walls instills panic and fear in their hearts... If a missile falls beyond their protective walls or if even a bullet passes over them, you can see how their hearts fill with horror - and this is because Allah has stricken fear in their hearts and decreed humiliation and degradation upon them until Judgment Day... Historically, it is known that the lives of Jews have always been war and fighting. The only reason for this is that they have been outcasts in every corner of the earth, and not one nation in the world respects them, for they cause strife, and scheme everywhere they settle. [...] They have been dispersed in every direction, but Allah's curse upon them and his fury at them cause them to continue with their transgression and tyranny. Psychologically, they have been defeated through the ages and feel inferior to the nations and societies in which they live, because of the hostility and evil rising in their hearts towards others and for their plots and schemes against the nations who know with certainty that the Jews are the root of conflict in the world, wherever they reside." Click to view bulletin
Note: The day after PMW exposed this article, Ma'an News Agency removed the article from its website and posted a retraction. Click “full article” to view the article and Ma’an’s full retraction.
"Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, Issa Karake, said: 'The statements in recent days by Israeli Foreign Minister [Avigdor] Lieberman, against President Mahmoud Abbas and the [Palestinian] inmates in [Israeli] prisons, are proof that Israel is a full-grown racist state in the region, threatening the security of the region, its culture and its humanitarian and international principles.' Karake's statement was made during a visit to the family of prisoner Ahmed Muhammad Ka'abna, who has been serving a life sentence since April 26, 1997… Karake and a delegation from the Ministry of Prisoners' Affairs… also visited the family of Martyr (Shahida) Wafa Idris, in the Al-Amari refugee camp, on the occasion of the National Day for Returning the Bodies of the Martyrs, on Aug. 27, 2012. Martyr Idris died a Martyrs' death on Jan. 17, 2002, and her body is still held in the Israeli numbered cemeteries. She was a volunteer for the Red Crescent. During the meeting with her siblings and her family, Karake called for international action to close the numbered cemeteries and return the bodies of all the Martyrs. He said that a numbered cemetery in Israel is a mark of shame upon humanity, since it is a terrible violation of human norms and an offense to man's dignity and the religious and moral values he holds dear."
Note: Wafa Idris was the first female suicide bomber. She killed one and injured 130 in an attack in central Jerusalem in 2002. Ahmed Muhammad Ka'abna is serving 2 life sentences for stabbing two young women to death in Wadi Kelt in 1997. Click "full article" below for a description of the "numbered cemeteries."
Op-ed by Samir Amr: "There is no question that this term [Antisemitism], with whatever one wants to imply by it, was disseminated by the Jews in order to delude other nations [into believing] that disagreements with them about any subject, and by any nation, constitutes hostility on an ethnic basis and racist discrimination between different human races, and that whoever is hostile towards them is hostile towards an entire race. This is not so. The hatred towards Israeli Jews is not related to racist discrimination, and there is no nation, people, or country which started any hatred against them. It is the Jews who have always started every struggle and hostility; they view themselves as better than all the nations and more honored than all the peoples (since they are God's Chosen People). They call everyone else 'goyim' [lit. 'nations'], who are below them in every respect. Moreover, they view themselves as deserving of all the goodness, glory and power on earth, and believe that they should attain ownership of the property of every non-Jew, in every way. Therefore, in every country where they live, we see that they seek to distinguish themselves from its inhabitants. They are concentrated in their own neighborhoods, and want everyone who lives with them to become their supporters. One of the things which stir up the nations against the Jews and plants [feelings] in their hearts against them is their tricks, which people understand..."
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, Aug. 19, 2011
On August 18, 2011, several Palestinian terrorists armed with rifles and bombs carried out a series of coordinated terror attacks near Eilat killing 6 civilians, a soldier and a security officer. Israel responded to the attacks by targeting the leaders of the organization behind the terror attack, the Popular Resistance Committees, killing 5 members of this terror organization and a child in an air strike on Gaza. PA TV phone interview with Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, Secretary General of the "National Initiative" movement: "What we are seeing today, the Israeli aggression, is something planned, and we warned months ago that Israel was planning this sort of aggression... Israel is suffering from a deep internal social crisis, [with] demonstrations of hundreds of thousands every week. It is suffering from a diplomatic and political siege, because of its aggressive and arrogant policy. Israel, as usual, is escaping its crises by blowing up the region and starting wars." Click to view bulletin
On August 18, 2011, several Palestinian terrorists armed with rifles and bombs carried out a series of coordinated terror attacks near Eilat killing 6 civilians, a soldier and a security officer. Israel responded to the attacks by targeting the leaders of the organization behind the terror attack, the Popular Resistance Committees, killing 5 members of this terror organization and a child in an air strike on Gaza. The following is a response by Fatah to Israel’s actions in Gaza, published in the official PA daily: "The Fatah Palestinian National Liberation Movement said that the Israeli aggression against Rafah, which led to the deaths of six Shahids (Martyrs), is [yet] another chapter in the series of crimes of assassination and targeted [killings] of our people in the besieged [Gaza] Strip. The movement added that the latest aggression is decisive proof that the aim of Netanyahu's government is to draw the region into a great explosion, in order to evade its internal crises. The movement's spokesman, Osama Al-Qawasmi, said in a statement published yesterday by the Commission for Information and Culture, that behind the Israeli aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip there lurk intentions to murder for the sake of murder; and this proves that the occupation army allows [the shedding of] Palestinian blood." Click to view bulletin
Source: Official Palestinian Authority TV, July 5, 2011
PA TV live broadcast from the National Conference for Support of Sick Prisoners in Israeli Prisons Issa Karake, Minister of Prisoners' Affairs: "It [Israel] is a fascist state, a terror state, a hostile state, a despicable state from a moral point of view, a despicable state, corrupt, corrupt, a corrupt state… It is a corrupt state, a state which has no life and has no future so long as it behaves in this racist manner and with this inferior treatment of Palestinian people within the occupation's prisons."
"There was no period [like it] in history, and no other nation has acted with such recklessness, expelling and spilling blood, as the Zionist movement did against the Arabs of Palestine. The source of the name 'Zionism' is 'Mount Zion', one of the four mountains upon which the city of Jerusalem was founded. The Jews believe that their God lives there. Zionism is an extreme religious ideology whose aim is political hegemony and the transformation of a Jewish monarchy in Palestine into a basis for their eternal rule over the world, [and] that others, "Goyim" [non-Jews], must submit to their will, [their rule] which is drawn from the will of God." Click to view bulletin
“[Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa] Karake… confirmed that the occupation (i.e., Israel) had recently escalated its suppressive measures against our prisoners, and demanded of all those involved in human rights to expose the Israeli violations. He said that what Israel is doing is systematic crime, and represents a danger to the entire world and not only to the Palestinians themselves.”
Op-ed on the subject of the US veto of the UN Security Council resolution on the issue of Israeli building in Jerusalem and the West Bank (Feb. 18, 2011) Headline: “The US, Israel, and mercenaries” “The US, which removed Europe from ruling the world and took its place following WWII, did not change the policy of its predecessors, even if it did, for a short while, change its approach. Europe in the past [would not], and US today will not for a moment oppose Israeli policy. This is because Israel is the only one that maintains the aims of colonialism, headed by the US, and realizes them. All that interests the US is the Arabs’ oil, the Suez Canal, the Strait of Hormuz, and the Strait of Bab El-Mandeb, so as to secure its trade. So long as the Arab trillions are not put to use for a cultural, scientific, economic and academic revolution, the West is fine.”
Headline: “Erekat: The actions of the Israeli government are the true danger threatening the security and stability of the region” “Saeb Erekat, member of the Fatah Central Committee and head of the Palestinian negotiating team, condemned the Israeli government’s construction of 24 settlement [housing] units on the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem… This was during meetings which Erekat held separately with the representative of the European Union in Palestine, Christian Berger; with a parliamentary delegation from Chile; with the deputy to the American Consul General; and with the Japanese ambassador, Takeuchi. Erekat emphasized that the response to the Israeli government must come from the meeting of the Quartet which is scheduled for the 5th of the month in Munich, through recognition of the Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, on the borders of June 4, 1967… Erekat emphasized that the actions of the Israeli government… have led to the ruin of the peace process, and are now pushing the region into the furnace of violence, anarchy, extremism and bloodshed. He noted that the true danger to the region, to its security and stability, is the continuation of the Israeli occupation and continued Israeli activity, not the absence of democracy or Iran. Therefore, anyone seeking security and stability in the region must first of all dry up the swamp of Israeli occupation.”
Headline: “PA requests the Quartet’s ‘immediate’ recognition of the State of Palestine” “Saeb Erekat, head of the PLO negotiation department, told Agence France Presse: ‘We call upon the Quartet to make a historical decision at its next meeting and to immediately recognize the State of Palestine, with the Palestinian territories occupied since June 4, 1967 as its borders… In clear criticism of the American administration and the countries of the West, Erekat said that ‘whoever brings security and stability to the Middle East region must dry up the swamp of Israeli occupation, which is the sole reason for all the problems of the region.’”
Marwan Barghouti, member of PA parliament: “I address special greetings to the great Palestinian nation, initiator of revolutions and Intifadas, with a legendary history of resolve facing the worst and most abominable enemy known to humanity and modern history; the enemy which does not refrain from carrying out massacres, continuing aggression, theft of land, establishment of settlements and expanding them, and to Judaize Jerusalem – the city of cities and the jewel in the crown of the [Arab] nation – and continues with a policy of detention against the members of a defenseless people. I take this opportunity to emphasize once again what we have always said: Israel and its various governments have never made a strategic decision about peace, and the wait to achieve national independence with the approval of the Israeli government is nothing but an illusion. The national independence of nations is seized, through sacrifice, resistance, resolve, and struggle. National independence is seized; one does not wait for it. The gamble on the US will be of no benefit, because it [the US] is not the patron of peace, but rather the patron of the Israeli occupation, aggression, and settlement. In order for our people to be able to seize our national rights, the first step must be an end to the destructive, shameful and wretched split [between Fatah and Hamas]… We must continue on the path of resistance, and act for further achievements and recognition for the establishment of the state. We must continue to act to isolate Israel further on the international, official, and popular level, and on all levels and in all spheres, as well as continuing the campaign to boycott all Israeli goods, not limiting it to settlement goods exclusively.” Click to view bulletin
“In an announcement published by the Commission for Information and Culture, the [Fatah] movement said… that Netanyahu’s extremist government is falsifying historical facts, and that although the leader of the Israeli Kadima party, Tzipi Livni, has acknowledged that the Palestinian State is not a favor bestowed by anyone, Netanyahu is seeking to breathe new life into the Zionist enterprise, through plans for the control over and hegemony of the Middle East region through all available means, both military and economic.”