Los recientes estudios de investigación muestran que el 20% de la población de España y Portugal tienen ascendencia JUDÍA.
Por Nicholas Wade, New York Times
Spain and Portugal have a history of fervent Catholicism, but almost a third of the population now turns out to have a non-Christian genetic heritage. About 20 percent of the current population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry, and 11 percent bear Moorish DNA signatures, a team of geneticists reports.
Lista abreviada de apellidos sefaraditas portugueses:
Por Nicholas Wade, New York Times
DNA study shows 20 percent of Iberian population has Jewish ancestry
By Nicholas Wade
Published: Thursday, December 4, 2008
Spain and Portugal have a history of fervent Catholicism, but almost a third of the population now turns out to have a non-Christian genetic heritage. About 20 percent of the current population of the Iberian Peninsula has Sephardic Jewish ancestry, and 11 percent bear Moorish DNA signatures, a team of geneticists reports.
The genetic signatures reflect the forced conversions to Christianity in the 14th and 15th centuries after Christian armies wrested Spain back from Muslim control.
The new finding bears on two very different views of Spanish history: One holds that Spanish civilization is Catholic and all other influences are foreign, the other that Spain has been enriched by drawing from all three of its historical cultures - Catholic, Jewish and Muslim.
The genetic study, based on an analysis of Y chromosomes, was conducted by a team of biologists led by Mark Jobling of the University of Leicester in England and Francesc Calafell of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona.
The biologists developed a Y chromosome signature for Sephardic men by studying Sephardic Jewish communities in places where Jews migrated after being expelled from Spain in the years from 1492 to 1496.
They also characterized the Y chromosomes of the Arab and Berber army that invaded Spain in 711 A.D. from data on people now living in Morocco and Western Sahara.
After a period of forbearance under the Arab Umayyad dynasty, Spain entered a long period of religious intolerance, with its Muslim Berber dynasties forcing both Christians and Jews to convert to Islam, and the victorious Christians then expelling Jews and Muslims or forcing both to convert.
The genetic study, reported online Thursday in the American Journal of Human Genetics, indicates there was a high level of conversion among Jews.
Jonathan Ray, a professor of Jewish studies at Georgetown University, said that a high proportion of people with Sephardic ancestry was to be expected.
"Jews formed a very large part of the urban population up until the great conversions," he said.
The genetic analysis is "very compelling," said Jane Gerber, an expert on Sephardic history at the City University of New York, and weighs against scholars who have argued that there were very few Jewish conversions to Christianity.
Ray raised the question of what the DNA evidence might mean on a personal level. "If four generations on I have no knowledge of my genetic past," Ray said, "how does that affect my understanding of my own religious association?"
The issue is one that has confronted Calafell, an author of the study. His own Y chromosome is probably of Sephardic ancestry - the test is not definitive for individuals - and his surname is from a town in Catalonia; Jews undergoing conversion often took surnames from place names.
Jews first settled in Spain during the early years of the Roman empire. Sephardic Jews bear that name because the Hebrew word for Spain is Sepharad
Lista abreviada de apellidos sefaraditas portugueses:
Abreu Abrunhosa Affonseca Affonso Aguiar Ayres Alam Alberto Albuquerque Alfaro Almeida Alonso Alvade Alvarado Alvarenga Álvares/Alvarez Alvelos Alveres Alves Alvim Alvorada Alvres Amado Amaral Andrada Andrade Anta Antonio Antunes Araujo Arrabaca Arroyo Arroja Aspalhão Assumção Athayde Avila Avis Azeda Azeitado Azeredo Azevedo
Bacelar Balao Balboa Balieyro Baltiero Bandes Baptista Barata Barbalha Barboza /Barbosa Bareda Barrajas Barreira Baretta Baretto Barros Bastos Bautista Beirao Belinque Belmonte Bello Bentes Bernal Bernardes Bezzera Bicudo Bispo Bivar Boccoro Boned Bonsucesso Borges Borralho Botelho Braganca Brandao Bravo Brites Brito Brum Bueno Bulhao
Cabaco Cabral Cabreira Caceres Caetano Calassa Caldas Caldeira Caldeyrao Callado Camacho Camara Camejo Caminha Campo Campos Candeas Capote Carceres Cardozo/Cardoso Carlos Carneiro Carranca Carnide Carreira Carrilho Carrollo Carvalho Casado Casqueiro Casseres Castenheda Castanho Castelo Castelo branco Castelhano Castilho Castro Cazado Cazales Ceya Cespedes Chacla Chacon Chaves Chito Cid Cobilhos Coche Coelho Collaco Contreiras Cordeiro Corgenaga Coronel Correa Cortez Corujo Costa Coutinho Couto Covilha Crasto Cruz Cunha
Damas Daniel Datto Delgado Devet Diamante Dias Diniz Dionisio Dique Doria Dorta Dourado Drago Duarte Duraes
Eliate Escobar Espadilha Espinhosa Espinoza Esteves Évora
Faisca Falcao Faria Farinha Faro Farto Fatexa Febos Feijao Feijo Fernandes Ferrao Ferraz Ferreira Ferro Fialho Fidalgo Figueira Figueiredo Figueiro Figueiroa Flores Fogaca Fonseca Fontes Forro Fraga Fragozo Franca Frances Francisco Franco Freire Freitas Froes/Frois Furtado
Gabriel Gago Galante Galego Galeno Gallo Galvao Gama Gamboa Gancoso Ganso Garcia Gasto Gavilao Gil Godinho Godins Goes Gomes Goncalves Gouvea Gracia Gradis Gramacho Guadalupe Guedes Gueybara Gueiros Guerra Guerreiro Gusmao Guterres
Henriques Homem Idanha Iscol Isidro Jordao Jorge Jubim Juliao
Lafaia Lago Laguna Lamy Lara Lassa Leal Leao Ledesma Leitao Leite Lemos Lima Liz Lobo Lopes Loucao Loureiro Lourenco Louzada Lucena Luiz Luna Luzarte
Macedo Machado Machuca Madeira Madureira Magalhaes Maia Maioral Maj Maldonado Malheiro Manem Manganes Manhanas Manoel Manzona Marcal Marques Martins Mascarenhas Mattos Matoso Medalha Medeiros Medina Melao Mello Mendanha Mendes Mendonca Menezes Mesquita Mezas Milao Miles Miranda Moeda Mogadouro Mogo Molina Monforte Monguinho Moniz Monsanto Montearroyo Monteiro Montes Montezinhos Moraes Morales Morao Morato Moreas Moreira Moreno Motta Moura Mouzinho Munhoz
Nabo Nagera Navarro Negrão Neves Nicolao Nobre Nogueira Noronha Novaes Nunes
Oliva Olivares Oliveira Oróbio
Pacham/Pachão/Paixao Pacheco Paes Paiva Palancho Palhano Pantoja Pardo Paredes Parra Páscoa Passos Paz Pedrozo Pegado Peinado Penalvo Penha Penso Penteado Peralta Perdigão Pereira Peres Pessoa Pestana Picanço Pilar Pimentel Pina Pineda Pinhão Pinheiro Pinto Pires Pisco Pissarro Piteyra Pizarro Pombeiro Ponte Porto Pouzado Prado Preto Proenca
Quadros Quaresma Queiroz Quental
Rabelo Rabocha Raphael Ramalho Ramires Ramos Rangel Raposo Rasquete Rebello Rego Reis Rezende Ribeiro Rios Robles Rocha Rodriguez Roldão Romão Romeiro Rosário Rosa Rosas Rozado Ruivo Ruiz
Sá Salvador Samora Sampaio Samuda Sanches Sandoval Santarem Santiago Santos Saraiva Sarilho Saro Sarzedas Seixas Sena Semedo Sequeira Seralvo Serpa Serqueira Serra Serrano Serrao Serveira Silva Silveira Simao Simoes Soares Siqueira Sodenha Sodre Soeyro Sueyro Soeiro Sola Solis Sondo Soutto Souza
Tagarro Tareu Tavares Taveira Teixeira Telles Thomas Toloza Torres Torrones Tota Tourinho Tovar Trigillos Trigueiros Tridade Uchôa
Valladolid Vale Valle Valenca Valente Vareda Vargas Vasconcellos Vasques Vaz Veiga Veyga Velasco Velez Vellez Velho Veloso Vergueiro Viana Vicente Viegas Vieyra Viera Vigo Vilhalva Vilhegas Vilhena Villa Villalao Villa-Lobos Villanova Villar Villa Real Villella Vilela Vizeu Xavier Ximinez Zuriaga
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