
lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014


  ¡Boicot palestino a las fuerzas, llamadas ,de seguridad de Abbas! 

Las organizaciones llamadas de BDS callan y no dicen nada. 


  Fuentes  palestinas informan que numerosos comercios  no suministran  productos a las fuerzas ,llamadas de seguridad ,de la zona  que sirven a la Autoridad Palestina.
 ¿Razones? No pagan sus deudas.
 Los propietarios de estaciones de gasolina de Cisjordania afirman que las fuerzas de la  AP  les adeudan  15 MILLONES DE $.

 La Unión de Propietarios de Estaciones de carburante de Cisjordania afirma que se deben más de 15,7 millones de $ de impagos de los pasados 6 últimos meses. Ante tal deuda acumulada han decidido realizar un boicot  de carburante a las dichas fuerzas  de la AP , que cuenta con 30.000 oficiales (!).
 En los comercios de mercancías acostumbran, estos oficiales, a entrar y salir cargando con todo lo que pueden sin pagar nada . Es un pillaje organizado al por mayor y menor; denunciar tales razzias no sirve para nada.

West Bank businesses cut credit for deadbeat Palestinian security forces

Special to
RAMALLAH — Palestinian security forces have come under an economic boycott in the West Bank.
Palestinian sources said many businesses were no longer providing goods or services to Western-trained and -equipped PA police and security forces amid millions of dollars of debt.
Gas stations owners in the West Bank say they are owed over $15 million by Palestinian Authority security forces.
Gas stations owners in the West Bank say they are owed over $15 million by Palestinian Authority security forces.
“Many businesses have not seen money from the PA forces in months,” a source said.
Fuel suppliers have organized to impose a boycott on PA security forces, with about 30,000 officers.
The Union of Gasoline Station Owners in the West Bank said its members were owed $15.7 million over the last six months.
“On Feb. 2, the union notified security forces and the PA Finance Ministry that the debt must be paid by Feb. 15 to continue gas supplies,” Nizar Al Jabari, a union representative, said.
Al Jabari told the Palestinian news agency Maan that fuel stations have been unable to maintain supplies because of the PA debt. He did not say whether or when the PA Finance Ministry would begin repayment.
The sources said PA security forces routinely enter Palestinian stores in the West Bank and walk away with merchandise without payment. They said the PA has usually ignored the complaints, particularly against groups of officers.
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