
lunes, 4 de noviembre de 2013

Pañales cosher para no profanar el Shabat

couches cacher

 Permiten ser cambiados sin uso de adhesivos. Su cierre puede ser abierto sin "desgarraduras" que violen la santidad del Shabat.

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New “Kosher Diapers” fastened with Velcro is hailed as ideal solution to avoid חשש of חילול שבת.

The use of pampers on Shabbos and Yom Tov has always been a cause of grave concern for חשש of מלאכת שבת when opening and closing the adhesive tapes.

Currently there is an innovative new development in the world of diapers that eliminates any and all problems of חששות להלכה. Namely, “Kosher Diapers” which is secured by velcro fasteners instead of adhesive tape. With the Velcro fasteners there is no חשש, whatsoever – not when opening and not when closing the strips.


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