"An Hamas terrorist has more rights inside Israel than a Palestinian in Jordan": An Arab in exile slams the BDSers @ Daphne Anson. Extraits:
En una interview , el intelectual árabe palestino Mudar Zahran , exiliado en Londres, ha fustigado la hipocresía de los occidentales que pretenden que Israel practica el apartheid y piden boicotear al país, mientras que guardan silencio sobre la forma en la que los palestinos son tratados en Jordania. En Israel tienen más derechos los terroristas de Hamas que un palestino en Jordania. Se pregunta las razones para que no se boicoteen las universidades islámicas que excluyen a las mujeres.
In an interview with Canadian broadcaster Jamie Glazov (managing editor ofFrontPageMagazine), the admirable Mr Zahran has been talking a great deal of sense not only about the Kerry Peace Plan (it would, he fears, mean Israel's erasure from the map), but about the status of Palestinians in Jordan compared with their far better status in Israel, and the antisemitic nature of the Israel-is-an-apartheid-state slur. ICI.
He labels "a huge disgrace" the fact that western Israel-haters portray Israel as an apartheid state and seek to boycott it, yet (in that characteristically hypocritical way of theirs) are silent regarding the treatment of Palestinians in Jordan: "An Hamas terrorist has more rights inside Israel than a Palestinian in Jordan". He asks rhetorically why the BDSers do not target Islamic universities which deny education to women, and adds that antisemitism drives the western anti-Israel movement.
Denouncing both Hamas and the Palestinian authority, he notes that his relatives in Jerusalem like living under "Israeli prosperity".
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